Web Design
Web Site Design, Website Style Guide

Web Site Design, Website Style Guide

In the long run men hit only what they aim at. — Henry David Thoreau

THE FIRST STEP in website design is to define your goals. Without a clearly stated mission and objectives the project will drift, bog down, or continue past an appropriate endpoint. Careful planning and a clear purpose are the keys to success in website design, particularly when you are working as part of a development team.

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History of Worldwide Web Design and Development

There have always been things which people are good at, and things computers have been good at, and little overlap between the two. I was brought up to understand this distinction in the 50s and 60s and intuition and understanding were human characteristics, and that computers worked mechanically in tables and hierarchies.

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Web Site Design HTTP Primer, Website Design

HTTP is the language web clients (a browser) and web servers use to communicate with each other. When computers communicate with each other they use a protocol, an agreed language or medium of communication. HTTP, Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the foundation protocol of the world-wide web (WWW) and is used specifically for applications which involve hypertext.

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Frequent Web Site Changes Impact on Search Engine Ranking

If you are making changes only for the search engines and waiting for them to appear, you will drive yourself crazy trying to figure out why this or that happened when it did. There are a ton of factors you can’t control: algo changes, new competitors, changing competitors, server issues, even database issues where you may see different indexes from one day to the next in the search engines.

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Google Ranking Tips

Google Ranking Tips is a brand new eBook that reveals time tested proven strategies, tips, and secrets for ranking well in the Google search engine…Shows you Step-By-Step how to optimize your site, manage keywords, obtain backlinks, and increase your PageRank – which increases your traffic, decreases your expenses, and drives your profits through the roof!
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Why High Search Engine Rankings are So Important

85% of internet traffic is generated by search engines, submitting your web site to all major search engines (like Yahoo, Google) is the most effective way of promoting your web site on the Internet. In order to maintain a search engine placing near the top for your chosen ‘keyword’ it is essential to regularly submit your web site details to these web directories and engines.
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SEO – Search Engine Optimization

SEO is an abbreviation for “search engine optimizer.” Many SEOs provide useful services for website owners, from writing copy to giving advice on site architecture and helping to find relevant directories to which a site can be submitted. However, a few unethical SEOs have given the industry a black eye through their overly aggressive marketing efforts and their attempts to unfairly manipulate search engine results.
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Search Engine Optimizations Tricks that Backfire!

One common scam is the creation of “shadow” domains that funnel users to a site by using deceptive redirects. These shadow domains often will be owned by the SEO who claims to be working on a client’s behalf. However, if the relationship sours, the SEO may point the domain to a different site, or even to a competitor’s domain. If that happens, the client has paid to develop a competing site owned entirely by the SEO.

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Search Engine Optimization Myths

Some search engine positive and negative ranking factors mentioned in the website are still valid for Search Engine Optimization and not just all myths. That is not to say that there are not many Seo Myths or old practices preached around.
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Why Google is the Most Popular Search Engine

Surfers like it because of the highly relevant results it gives and the speed at which it delivers them. This is due to its complex text matching algorithm and of course the Pagerank™ system that this engine uses. More on the Pagerank™ system later.
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Google PageRank

Google’s order of results is automatically determined by more than 100 factors, including our PageRank algorithm. Please check out our Technology Overview page for more details. Due to the nature of our business and our interest in protecting the integrity of our search results, we limit the information we make available to the public about our ranking system.
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Better Google Rankings

Google is by a country mile the most popular search engine in the world. It’s popular because it seems to rank pages so accurately and quickly time and time again. The secret to its success is its top secret Page Rank Algorithm.
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Getting Ranked in Google

Having difficulty getting a good Google Ranking in google.com search engine? is your website properly google optimized to give you the best Google Pagerank™? If not, then read on.
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Search Engine Optimization Discussion

Pagerank™ is as the name suggests a ranking system of pages. It works on the basis that if a website ABC.COM has been linked from a website XYZ.COM, abc.com must have some good content and therefore Google will count the link from XYZ.COM as a vote for ABC.COM. You can check your link popularity on Google by downloading the Google toolbar from http://toolbar.google.com
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High Search Engine Rankings in Google

It’s not difficult, it does sometimes take time, but it’s not difficult. Just make sure your site has good content and follow the guidelines for adding a URL. Try to get your index page listed at least. I say at least because although ODP claims only to list your index page, there are plenty of sites with 5 – 10 pages listed. So if your site has very distinctive sections, then submit each section – slowly. Once Google updates it’s directory, these listings could do wonders for your sites maximum PR.
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