Database Demos

Bullhead City Web Design, Search Engine Optimization and Hosting

Database Driven Website Demo

Whether you realized it or not, you’ve definitely used database driven websites. Examples of sites with searchable databases include most search engines like Google, AOL or Yahoo; or any online store or catalog of products, such as, where you, for example, are searching for a product, a book. These websites all rely on a database to keep their content current and easy to change. The results of your searches are dynamically generated. Database driven websites pull their content from a central information store, or database. The information stored in the database can be searched and instantly displayed to the customer, and can be easily changed or instantly updated by the website owner administrator, via a password protected administration section.

A database driven website can do two things. One, it collects information that is entered into a web page and stores it in a database. Two, it uses that information later when generating web pages. The best part is that all of these complexities are hidden behind elegant, attractive web pages; and updates that previously required a web programmer, can now be done by you, the administrator, with a couple of clicks and without any knowledge of HTML code.

Real Estate Database Driven Web Site – Demo

You can return to this page at any time, by clicking on Real Estate Website Design in the right Main Menu.  For our demo, we have created a Database Driven Real Estate Web Site, but we can custom design or tailor searchable features for any business website. Our Real Estate Web Site database consists of 3 properties. You can search this 11 property database a variety of ways. You can List All Properties or limit your search by any to all of the options available: City, Area, Type, Price Range, Bedrooms, Bathrooms or MLS number. When you click on Find Properties, your search returns only the properties from this database that meet the specific options you chose. You can view detail or more information on each property, by clicking either on the Detail link or on the individual property image.

Administration is easy ! First populate your database, and subsequently maintain your website database. The Administration Section would be secured via password protection, and accessible by you or your designated employees only.  From the Property Admin Menu, you can : Add A Real Estate Property Listing, Edit A Real Estate Property Listing, Delete A Real Estate Property Listing, and Email All Property Owners. From the Edit A Real Estate Property Listing or Delete A Real Estate Property Listing, you can select a property from the edit list or delete list that you want to edit or delete, by clicking on the appropriate property ID field in the far left column. To protect our demo database, we have disabled the final input buttons on all four Administrative Forms, so you can’t really edit or delete our database.