If you are dissatisfied with the number of visitors your existing website is generating, or merely wondering if your web site should be attracting more customers; we will analyze your website and recommend a practical effective solution. Most web site owners don’t realize how much traffic their websites should produce. With good search engine listings, your business can and should project a large image on the Internet, and have the same volume of traffic so many big business sites enjoy. The Internet is like a library, and the search engines are the card catalogs. 88% of Internet users find new web sites through search engine listings; they search for a category or product, not your URL. Search engines are the customers’ way of sifting through the web to filter out what they’re looking for; therefore, achieving and maintaining high search engine ranking is the most targeted, cost effective, and consequently, most valuable advertising available to you. No customer should have to know your website address (URL) to find you on the web.
Most web sites we evaluate lack fundamental but essential elements; those elements the search engines read to analyze, categorize, and rank your website. When your web site is missing these key elements, the search engines rank your site poorly; and consequently, your website does not successfully attract visitors or customers. Since many of these essential elements the search engines read are hidden, or not displayed when the page is viewed in the browser; most web site owners don’t realize their web pages are missing this basic but vital search engine information and coding.
There are many fantastically beautiful websites out there, which will never receive exposure (never by seen by anyone searching), because the majority of designers don’t understand how the search engines work. A number of very attractive and professional appearing web sites we evaluate, are designed solely with graphics. Graphics are invisible to search engines; in other words, these websites are invisible to search engines. A search engine spider ranks your web site by reading and analyzing text, words, and other hidden elements on your web pages. Search engines can’t see any text the designer imbedded in graphics.
When a search engine spider can’t read your web page, it will try to guess the content, and won’t necessarily be successful; getting ranked for something unrelated to your site, isn’t helpful at all.
The good news is we can dramatically improve your search engine ranking, and usually with very little cost.
Although incorporating this search engine optimization as we create the original website design, is the most successful and cost effective approach; we can make key modifications and additions to your already existing web site, and achieve top positioning in the search engines for you.
Getting listed in a search engine below 199 other websites simply doesn’t work. You need to get a listing near the top of your category to collect all the traffic the search engines can deliver.
We can’t give away our search engine trade secrets, but we will give you a free website evaluation.
You may be interested in our Fully Managed Web site Hosting – continual monitoring, analysis, promotion, and 24/7 proficient management and technical support; including a Custom SEO blog. Your blog allows you to easily and frequently communicate information to your audience, and simultaneously boosts your Search Engine rankings.