Web Design
Website Design Color Impact

Website Design Color Impact

Color psychology is the study of how different colors represent different emotions and ideas in the mind of viewers. Each color tends to be viewed in a different light and as important in varying ways, and understanding exactly how color psychology works can assist your business in designing the perfect website to get the most out of your online marketing.

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Add Variable WooCommerce Product

Add Variable WooCommerce Product

Login to your WordPress Dashboard Select New from the Menu at the top of your browser screen Select Product from the Drop Down Menu Enter the Product name Enter Yoast SEO Focus Keyphrase and Meta Description. Usually copy of Product name. Select Variable Product from...

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WordPress Security

WordPress Security

The WordPress Security Team is made up of approximately 50 experts including lead developers and security researchers — about half are employees of Automattic (makers of WordPress.com, the earliest and largest WordPress hosting platform on the web), and a number work...

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Rank Math Meta Tags SEO

Rank Math Meta Tags SEO

Meta tags are text snippets added to a page to tell search engines what the page is about. They are important for SEO, and Rank Math makes it easier to customize meta tags and preview how they appear on search results. Rank Math is a Search Engine Optimization plugin...

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WooCommerce Managing Orders

WooCommerce Managing Orders

Managing Orders Orders are created when a customer completes the checkout process, and they are visible to users with Admin and Shop Manager roles only. Each order is given a unique Order ID. Order IDs are non-sequential as they use the default WordPress ID...

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History of Worldwide Web Design and Development

There have always been things which people are good at, and things computers have been good at, and little overlap between the two. I was brought up to understand this distinction in the 50s and 60s and intuition and understanding were human characteristics, and that computers worked mechanically in tables and hierarchies.

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Web Site Design, Website Style Guide

Web Site Design, Website Style Guide

In the long run men hit only what they aim at. — Henry David Thoreau

THE FIRST STEP in website design is to define your goals. Without a clearly stated mission and objectives the project will drift, bog down, or continue past an appropriate endpoint. Careful planning and a clear purpose are the keys to success in website design, particularly when you are working as part of a development team.

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Importance of Reciprocal Links and Search Engine Optimization

Asking another webmaster for a reciprocal link is standard practice on the Internet. Webmasters have been asking other webmasters for reciprocal links since the beginnings of the Internet. The very nature of the web is linking websites to one another. It is of even higher importance, now that AltaVista and others have changed their ranking algorithms.
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Google PageRank

Google’s order of results is automatically determined by more than 100 factors, including our PageRank algorithm. Please check out our Technology Overview page for more details. Due to the nature of our business and our interest in protecting the integrity of our search results, we limit the information we make available to the public about our ranking system.
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